Speaking of Barbara Marx Hubbard, LCWR officials have said they went ahead with their assembly in August because you gave them permission to do so. Is that accurate?
Yes, mea culpa! At the time, I hadn't been aware of who was being invited to speak or to get an award. I appreciated their concern that everything was already in place, and I said that's fine, we're OK with that. We haven't asked them to do an about-face. I feel comfortable in saying, however, that I wish they hadn't made these choices.
By that, you mean the choice to invite Hubbard?
Yes, and also to give an award to Sr. Sandra Schneiders for a view of religious life which has nothing to do with the teachings of the Second Vatican Council or the post-conciliar church.
His Eminence has evidently found it impossible to withdraw his permission but we hope this will be the last time the LCWR gives scandal this way. Archbishop Carlson so far hasn't said anything publicly about this, and we suspect he does not want to interfere with the work of the bishops assigned to assist in the renewal of the LCWR.