Monday, December 3, 2012

Robert George: The Time of the Comfortable Catholic is Over

Robert George at the 2012 Credo Christ the King ForumWith this statement, Professor Robert George of Princeton University began his outlook on American life in the near future. Addressing more than 160 audience members at the November Credo Forum, he reminisced briefly about the Catholic Church’s influence during the “golden years” of the 40’s and 50’s, years when government intrusion in our institutions was minimal, and the ten commandments formed the basis of our national moral code.

But since the 60’s, government intrusions have increased until today they make the faithful Catholic exceedingly uncomfortable. Today we look ahead to a massive federal health system that confronts both Catholic institutions and individuals with absolute moral choices that cannot be ignored. And the secular culture has become both morally adrift and powerful, so powerful that immorality is enshrined in our nation’s laws. As Catholics in such a culture we need to be always militant, keeping our minds centered on truth and subjecting to rigorous scrutiny whatever is presented to us by the media. Today the culture we live in directly opposes Christianity, so if we are true Christians we shall be very uncomfortable in the future.

EWTN Personality Joseph Pearce in St. Louis Sunday, December 9th

In celebration of its fifth anniversary, The Oratory of Saints Gregory & Augustine is hosting an evening with EWTN personality Joseph Pearce in St. Louis Sunday,Headshot of Joseph Pearce at Podium December 9th. The topic of the evenings lecture will be “The Death and Resurrection of the Mass: Evelyn Waugh and the Liturgical Madness Revisited". This free event will be hosted at the Kevin Kline Theater (click here for a map) at the St. Louis Priory School at 7:00 pm, on Sunday, December 9, 2012. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Please arrive early, as this event is open to the public, and seating will be limited. Beverages and an hors d’oeuvres reception will follow. For more information, call (314) 439-0151.