Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Francis Pope of Firsts

Pope Francis Bowing towards the PeopleWorking away on the next issue of Evangelium with EWTN in the background, I heard “I announce to you a great joy: We have a pope! The most eminent and most reverend lord, Lord Jorge Mario, Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church, Bergoglio, who has taken for himself the name Francis.” It was of course in Latin, but because of many influences including Credo, I was able to catch most of it.

So Cardinal Bergoglio has decided to call himself Francis. We have not yet learnt which Francis he means to name himself for — Francis of Assisi, Francis Xavier, or even Francis de Sales. But he is a Pope of firsts: the first Francis, the first from the New World, the first Jesuit Pope, very likely the first Pope to ask the people to pray for God to bless him before he blessed them. Probably the first Bishop of Rome to greet his new diocese with “good evening, everybody” and to close with “go get some sleep”. And the first pope properly called a son of Second Vatican.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Audio Recordings from Day of Recollection Available from St. Joseph Radio

Fr. Ambrose Bennett delivers a conference at the 2013 Credo Day of RecollectionA successful CREDO Day of Recollection in the Chapel of Saint Anselm at the Oratory of Saints Gregory and Augustine last Saturday proved a worthwhile occasion to enhance our Lenten observance and enjoy some Christian fellowship. Father Ambrose Bennett of the Saint Louis Priory presented the opening conference and this was followed by the Sacrament of Penance as the rosary was prayed in common. Father Bennett also celebrated the Mass and our own Father Brian Harrison was in attendance to sing the day’s Epistle and provide a homily.

The Mass was very uplifting, being sung in the Extraordinary Form with the schola of St. Mary of Victories under the able direction of Mr. Stan Metheny. After a catered lunch and a break, Father Bennett gave a second conference. New to our annual event was sung Vespers, concluding with Benediction. The CREDO Day of Recollection is an annual event. If you missed this year, we hope to see you at our next event!

Audio recordings of Fr. Ambrose’s conferences and Fr. Harrison’s sermon from the Day of Recollection are available from St. Joseph Radio for $12 including postage. 2 CD set, about 1-3/4 hours of material. Call (636) 447-6000 or e-mail (Fr. Ambrose made two Chesterton references!)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Anthony Esolen Fatherhood and Freedom April 14, 2013

Anthony Esolen HeadshotAnthony Esolen, acclaimed author, speaker and professor of English at Providence College in Rhode Island, will be the featured speaker at the annual St. Joseph Forum sponsored by Credo and the Catholic Union of Missouri.  Dr. Esolen is the author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization  and Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of You Child, which Peter Kreeft called “A worthy successor to C. S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man.”  He is a regular contributor to Magnificat, Touchstone, First Things, Catholic World Report, Latin Mass, and the author of published articles and essays beyond counting.  Fr. C.J. McCloskey describes Esolen’s recently released Reflections on the Christian Cover of Anthony Esolen's Reflections on the Christian LifeLife as “written by today’s best Catholic writer in the English speaking world – and this is his best book yet.” (Click the image to order from Sophia Institute Press. Bring it to the Forum and have it inscribed by the author.)

Dr. Esolen’s talk will include an analysis of the important connection between fatherhood and freedom, how the father naturally represents the claims of law, and how all just law, far from inhibiting our freedom, inhibits the license that enslaves, and clears away a wide space for freedom.

Join us at 6 PM Sunday April14th for an evening of stimulating analysis and discussion at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Clayton, Missouri. Non-Members $35; Members $30; Group of 8+ $30. Menu choices this time are Salmon or Chicken Parmesan. As ever, you may order a vegetarian meal, but it is Chef’s Choice as to exactly what it is. Entrees are served with salad, rolls, appropriate veggie, dessert, iced tea, and coffee. Free inside parking at the 7777 Bonhomme Parking Garage. The bridge from the garage to the hotel is on the Orange Level. The garage gate will be open when you leave. First time? Other Questions? contact us here and be sure to leave your phone number.

Register Here before Wednesday, April 10th.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Book Review: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization

CoverPoliticallyIncorrectGuideToWesternCivilizationBook Review
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization
By Anthony Esolen
Regnery Publishing, Inc. 2008. 310 pp.
Reviewed by Robert Hurley, M.D.

[editor’s note: Anthony Esolen will be Credo’s St. Joseph Dinner speaker in St. Louis on Sunday, April 14th, 2013 with a talk titled Fatherhood and Freedom]

If you’ve ever wondered how Western civilization arrived at the present predicament in which it finds itself, morally, fiscally and relationally, and how it might extricate itself, and if you aren’t in a position to spend a lifetime finding answers to those important questions, this book is for you.