Wednesday, July 16, 2014

All Roads Lead to the Rome of the West

[caption id="attachment_2008" align="alignleft" width="141"]Charcoal Portrait of Bishop Rosati Bishop Rosati[/caption]

Joseph Rosati: the Story of an Italian Vincentian, recruited by a French Sulpician, who enlisted the services of an Austrian priest serving at an Italian court to build the German Catholic community for an Irish Archbishop, helping to make Saint Louis “The Rome of the West.”

Who said Church History is boring? This being the 250th anniversary of the founding of our city, we thought it would be great to celebrate the history of our Archdiocese. Join us Sunday, August 10th at 6 PM for a romp through this history with Monsignor John Witt.

Click Here to register on-line, before Wednesday, August 6th. If you need help, don’t hesitate to call 314-435-8494 or click here to contact us by e-mail. If you prefer to register by postal mail, click here for a registration form. If you’re registering by mail, realistically that means the deadline is Friday, August 1st.