Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Marriage Equality and Love That Only a Mother Can Provide

"His little face was lit up with joy, and he was cheering as his moms hugged him with the love that only a mother can provide." So, there is a love that ONLY a mother can provide? So says Governor O'Malley, the most prominent proponent of "marriage equality" in the state of Maryland.

One of the main claims on behalf of "marriage equality" is that sex does not matter at all with respect to child rearing. The proponents of gay "marriage" must assert this, of course, lest they cede any ground at all to those vile, bigoted, racists-by-analogy (albeit a demonstrably poor analogy), Biblethumping, Trajectory-of-History-denying heterosexists. For if sex matters in parenting, then the female contributes something that the male cannot and vice versa, and that alone suffices for heteronormative supremacy. Thus, "SSM" advocates must assert that parenthood is at its essential core androgynous.  Evidently Little Will was not the only who may not have understood the debates in Maryland's House.

But I suspect that the Governor knows that he would lose votes if he denied the uniqueness of a mother's love or said something like, "His little face was lit up with joy, and he was cheering as his moms hugged him with the love that can be provided by any of the five sexes." Nevertheless, what he said betrayed a heteronormativity that simply cannot be reconciled with the arguments for "marriage equality". My question then is this: what does it say about Maryland's vote for gay "marriage" that the man who is the most powerful supporter of "SSM" has clearly used heteronormative rhetoric to advance a cause which is just as clearly antithetical to the very notion of heteronormativity? Does the governor misunderstand the arguments for the issue he has chosen to trumpet ever so loudly? Well, then, how many other citizens of Maryland misunderstood these arguments when they voted yes on Question 6? Or does he know very well the necessary androgynous implications of "marriage equality" and has chosen to hide them because he thinks his constituency is all for equality but not quite ready yet for legally enforced androgyny? Hmm?

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