Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day of Recollection

Altar at the Oratory of Ss. Gregory & AugustineMark your calendars for the 2012 Credo Day of Recollection: Saturday, March 2nd, 2013. We return this year to the Chapel of St.  Anselm at the Oratory of Ss. Gregory and Augustine in Creve Coeur, located on the grounds of The Abbey, at 530 Mason Rd.

The Rev. Ambrose Bennett, O.S.B. will give two conferences, and Credo's spiritual advisor, the Rev. Brian Harrison , O.S. will be the homilist at Holy Mass. We believe you will be inspired by our Day of Recollection Speakers. Take advantage of this opportunity to help make this coming Lent one of your most efficacious.

Click Here to Register by Monday, February 25th. Seating is limited to 80.

$25 per person. Lunch is included.

If you need a flyer for your church, school, Catholic Bookstore, or anything else, click here.


10:30Housekeeping issues (restroom, confessionals, turn off your phone)
10:35First Conference - Fr. Ambrose - The Desert, the Heart of Christ, and the Living Water
11:20Holy Rosary (Joyful) and Confessions
12:00Holy Mass - Extraordinary Form in Latin - Fr. Ambrose Bennett, celebrant -- sung by the schola of St. Mary of Victories; Mr. Stan Metheny, director. Homily by Fr. Brian Harrison
2:00Second Conference - Father Ambrose – The Sacred Heart, the Precious Blood, and Mary Mediatrix of All Graces
3:00Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament w/ Vespers and Benediction


Click here for a map and directions to the Oratory of Ss. Gregory and Augustine.

Questions? Contact us here.

Click Here to Register by Monday, February 25th. Seating is limited to 80.


Headshot of Fr. Ambrose Bennett, O.S.B.

Father Ambrose Bennett is a native of Soccoro, New Mexico, and was educated at an Episcopal high school, where he learned about the life and writings of Blessed John Henry Newman. It was from Newman's writings, as well as those of other Anglican and Catholic writers, that he learned to appreciate Catholicity as the fullness of Christian truth and was eventually drawn to a monastic vocation. Father Ambrose received his degree in Comparative Literature at Princeton and then entered Saint Louis Abbey, professing solemn vows in 2002 and being ordained to the priesthood in 2008. His extensive study has earned him a license in Sacred Theology with Distinction at Collegio Sant' Anselmo in Rome. He has published articles in This Rock, Touchstone, and The New Oxford Review. He currently teaches theology at Priory School and is also the Monastic Librarian.



Fr. Brian Harrison, O.S.The Reverend Brian Harrison, OS is an Australian-born Roman Catholic priest and theologian. Harrison is a prolific writer on religious issues and an emeritus professor of theology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico (1989–2007). He is also an associate editor of Living Tradition, a publication of the Roman Theological Forum hosted by the Oblates of Wisdom in St Louis, where he currently lives at the order's study center. Harrison was baptized in the Methodist Church and brought up in the Presbyterian Church. He spent a few years with a Lutheran mission in New Guinea, where he became a Roman Catholic in 1972. A great many articles written by Fr. Harrison may be found at The Roman Theological Forum website.


Register Here by Monday, February 25th. Seating is limited to 80.


  1. I look forward to attending the Day of Recollection.

  2. Audio recordings of Fr. Ambrose's conferences and Fr. Harrison's sermon are available from St. Joseph Radio for $12 including postage. 2 CD set, about 1-3/4 hours of material. Call (636) 447-6000, or e-mail by Fr. Ambrose made two Chesterton references!
