As you can see, Credo has a new website. In the past our website has been used almost exclusively as a place to announce our Forums and we had barely begun to exploit the possibilities of the medium. Now, we’re expanding its role to serve as an adjunct to our newsletter Evangelium.
We’re not out to replace all the fine bloggers and other authors around St. Louis (although we hope to make an occasional contribution) but we do want to provide an easy-to-find selection of material Credo members might be interested in. And of course we’ll announce Forums there too.
For the time being it will be possible to register for a Credo Forum on-line but not to pay for it. We’re simply not prepared just yet for taking online payments. No, it isn’t a technical issue. We do hope to develop our capabilities over time.
You can help! We are looking for contributors for two things:
- If you see an article someplace having specifically to do with the Archdiocese of St. Louis that you think will be interesting to Credo members, contact us using the contact form and someone will get back to you. Mainly what we'll want is a paragraph or two about what is important in the article, and a link.
- We also need electronic pictures taken at Credo Forums and summaries of the talks from a personal point of view. The sorts of photos we want are “action” shots – people talking to each other primarily. And not with their mouths full. A photo of the speaker would always be good, especially talking with people afterwards. Summaries of the talks are not meant to be transcripts – we’re looking for a personal reaction about a new insight gained or something that struck you about the talk. If you’d like to help just once, or if you want to help regularly, contact us as above.
We hope you’ll visit, comment on articles, and generally find it a good way to keep up with Credo between events.
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